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Sons of Sariel

They say every myth starts with a grain of truth,

but some are more truth than fiction.

A Demon in My Bed


A missing brother, mercenary demigoddesses and an unknown force pulling fate's strings are just a few of the hurdles facing Verrin when he wakes up in a dungeon one morning. As the son of a renegade Angelic Watcher, he was born ill fated. Being summoned by a plump little sex kitten who was everything he liked in a woman should have been a stroke of luck...


As a librarian, the most exciting choice Cassidy O'Neill usually has to make is what book to read next. She never expected an antique book to drop a dirty minded sex demon into her bed. Bound to his side until the summoning is fulfilled, Cass is determined not to lose her heart to Verrin - even if he is the sexiest man she's ever met. 


In a world where myths are reality, falling in love is a gamble even immortals hesitate to take.


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Demon's Redemption

3000 miles, two strangers, one deadly threat.

With an exciting new career on the horizon, Alexis Mitchell assumed the solo trek across the country would be a relaxing scenic drive. She didn’t plan on picking up a gorgeous hitchhiker whose mercurial attitude would have her alternating between wanting to kiss him or kick his surly ass. With nothing but the road ahead of her, it’ll take a miracle to arrive without losing her sanity – or her heart.

Haunted by recent trauma and mired in shame, Seir has been doing his best to stay one step ahead of his caring family and avoid women in general. Not an easy task when you’re a sex-starved Incubus. Rescued by a stunning spitfire, he’s desperate to make it to his destination without falling prey to his baser instincts.

Unfortunately, forces beyond their control are conspiring to make sure they never make it there at all.






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Coming Soon

In the Demon's Hands



Copyright © 2022 Sarah Winters, All rights reserved. Canada


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